Course curriculum

    1. What We'll Cover in this Course

    2. How to Use This Course

    3. Getting to Know You

    1. Where to Start?

    2. Domain Name Search

    3. Website Structure

    4. Wordpress Themes & Builders

    5. Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policies

    6. Website Energetics

    1. Your Virtual Practice

    2. Online Scheduling

    3. Payment Processing

    4. Online Forms & More

    5. Informed Consent Online Form

    6. Business Email

    7. VAs and Freelancers

    8. Client Gifts & Branded Products

    1. Sharing Your Vision

    2. Being Seen | Meditation

    1. Know yourself. Know your clients.

    2. Your Story. Your Vision. (coming soon)

    3. Client Conversations

    4. Cultivating Community

    1. Curated Resources

    2. Course Feedback

About this course

  • $60.99
  • 25 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content